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Route Planner South America

Route Planner South America
Possible routes
Shortest/Longest route - miles
1.00 / 5.00
Difficulty level: Easy going
Avg. Rating:

This is a planning tool that uses satellite images to determine approximate potential routes.
Plan walks of your own!
This utility enables you to plan potential routes and - if you are logged in - to save the data too.
1) To plan a route drag the marker to your area of interest & Zoom in with the [+] button or left double mouseovering.
2) Press "Locate" button to mark a point at the marker (and find place information if available). Wait while the satellite image data is processed to determine potential routes. This may take some time !
3) If you want to view places as well then use the drop down selection below.


Points to use: Load previous points (registered & logged in):
Points :
Loaded Points :